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Kind of weird story. The MC seems to be REALLY talented but absolutely no one want him to ...

KioroDjirane January 14, 2024 7:25 pm

Kind of weird story. The MC seems to be REALLY talented but absolutely no one want him to work for them ? Even it's a slave contract or forced labor (seem what they would do). But no, they just take advantage of a random potion he did without anyone asking and then just let him be ? They are either really stupid or it's quite a plothole to me.

    Amator January 15, 2024 3:14 am

    It appears that because of his "commoner" status nobles don't even see him as human. So, that's probably why they don't even bother with him. They're probably like "we can just get products at a cheap price and not even pay him the real amount, he's a commoner. How will he even know?" Sort of thinking.
    Which makes sense with their treatment of him and not wanting to work with him.

    KioroDjirane January 15, 2024 7:22 am

    Oh I totally get that and it's why I talked about slave contract or forced labor. But not using at all a guy that already make them gain a fortune is just dumb & short sighted. Or again, a plothole.

    Amator January 15, 2024 7:44 am
    Oh I totally get that and it's why I talked about slave contract or forced labor. But not using at all a guy that already make them gain a fortune is just dumb & short sighted. Or again, a plothole. KioroDjirane

    Yea, I get that. But it seems that there might also be someone blocking him that's in the royal family. So, maybe it could be foreshadowing too

    Lavender January 20, 2024 8:19 am

    I mean I thought it was pretty accurate. If you look at history or just society in general this sort of thing has happened for centuries, heck if you just look at women and BIPOC individuals alone you can easily pick out hundreds of examples. The existence of biases and discriminations has nothing to do with intelligence, and these kinds of mentalities prevent people and society from advancing.

    For example, let's take the invention of the light bulb.
    While Thomas Edison is credited with the invention, it was actually Lewis Latimer who invented carbon filaments (pretty much the main part and the whole reason it works, he also wrote the 1st book on electric lighting as well as worked with many famous inventors like alexander graham bell and was pretty much a genius).
    The patent for his invention wasn't issued until AFTER Edison, despite Edison using HIS technology. Later on, Latimer had to file another patent for the "process of manufacturing carbons" (he needed to patent the method after they started to try a mass produce light bulbs). Even then, this was considered a huge accomplishment, and he was considered fortunate because many black individuals, such as his parents before him, were prevented from applying for patents at the time.

    I consider the story to be a fairly accurate portrayal of a pretty common but horrendous scenario that we still see often today. Honestly, the plothole is just discrimination bias since discrimination bias is based on unreasonable hatred without any logic.

    BiBye January 20, 2024 8:51 am
    I mean I thought it was pretty accurate. If you look at history or just society in general this sort of thing has happened for centuries, heck if you just look at women and BIPOC individuals alone you can easil... Lavender

    Yep!! Very well explained.

    passerby January 20, 2024 11:05 am
    Oh I totally get that and it's why I talked about slave contract or forced labor. But not using at all a guy that already make them gain a fortune is just dumb & short sighted. Or again, a plothole. KioroDjirane

    This happens to artists in the world NOW, as someone who is affiliated with different type of artists /especially designer students, you'd be surprised lol. It hits close to home actually.

    passerby January 20, 2024 11:06 am
    I mean I thought it was pretty accurate. If you look at history or just society in general this sort of thing has happened for centuries, heck if you just look at women and BIPOC individuals alone you can easil... Lavender

    Couldn't have said it better

    rainbowslider January 20, 2024 2:10 pm

    I saw the raws, it will be explained in the later chapters if i‘m not mistaken