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Maybe I am the only one but I really enjoy seeing Seth powerful again. I know it's only te...

Old Mout Cider January 14, 2024 11:44 pm

Maybe I am the only one but I really enjoy seeing Seth powerful again. I know it's only temporary but having so much power suits him so well. I wanna see him dominate the battlefields again and people being scared of his power and respect him again. He is and should be a mighty god not a toy for humans. Also I wanna see Seth kicking Foreign God's ass. Someone needs to put him in his place cause right now he's showing zero respect for Seth and treating him like a mere weak slave and that doesn't sit right with me

    Mangaloverr_112 January 15, 2024 6:10 am

    Fr!! U love the first season Seth bc he’s so powerful. The way they’re trying to weaken him to fit the stereotypical uke is throwing me off

    Although ik he’s supposed to be weak rn but the grape wasn’t needed. And him being treated as less than human by HUMANS makes me sick bc he’s a god!! Ughhh