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(Spoilers referring to the mall chapter)

Praevidens January 15, 2024 2:29 pm

Can they bicker AFTER their shift? They're aware that their client is basically a prince who's always attracting trouble but of course they think it's okay to let him go off just so they can have a lovers quarrel. It's a small gripe but it's stressing me out

    Wei Ying March 8, 2024 11:57 am


    When I was reading that part I'm like aren't you both working right now? I get that the boi is like low key rich people but there's a reason why he needs a bodyguard. Both of you fr didn't just hide away in some part of the mall to have lovers fight xD

    Hary March 31, 2024 1:34 pm

    Exactly, they are pissed me off and stressed out too with their childish stupid bickering in the middle of a serious job...