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Kind of annoying

Emera January 15, 2024 3:01 pm

This story is annoying and drawn out. The ukes cluelessness and constantly asking why got stale quick. The back and forth about not biting his nape even when the guy almost got bitten was annoying. Seme needing his dad's approval is so contrived. Then the seme dad trying to arrange a marriage after his kid just told him he found someone for irritated me.

The best friend trying to rape the guy lame. Seems like the beta imposter and rapist are gonna be a thing but their personalities aren't likable at all. I don't even care what happens to them.

Sex scenes were hot but between the ukes air headed behavior, seme asking to bite him and uke says yes but no let's not do it yet for...reasons

This story doesn't need this many chapters if the writer is just juggling back and forth with this will they won't they mess. Seriously they ask the same questions every chapter

    pooki January 15, 2024 9:59 pm

    then why are you still reading? you retarded or something? you could’ve dropped this the moment you thought you didn’t like it

    Emera January 16, 2024 12:55 am

    Because I wanted to give the story a chance. You could have also not responded if you didn't like the comment but you wanted to share your thoughts, no? ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    w1nterda3 January 16, 2024 2:33 am

    If you hated it this much, why'd you read 'til the end? Lol.

    Emera January 16, 2024 12:26 pm
    If you hated it this much, why'd you read 'til the end? Lol. w1nterda3

    Asked and answered ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Blue watermelon January 17, 2024 1:43 am

    Some good points. Though stuff like the nape thing I thought was good writing. Yeah if the guy was a just a little less clueless then it would be better. Overall I think the good parts of the manga greatly outweighed the bad.

    Zayne January 17, 2024 7:15 am

    To address Megumi's hesitation in biting Tsugumi's neck, I assume you are aware of what bonding typically does to an omega and alpha couple in omegaverse works? Once they become pairs, the uke will never be the same. His body will be tuned for the seme and the seme alone for the rest of his existence unless some reversible bonding surgery can be carried out in this universe, and even then, the consequences are severe. Separation from a pair can result in severe emotional and physical suffering. This is no simple matter. I would like to point out the irony in calling the uke clueless only to agree with his stance on pairing. Tsugumi thinks and lives in the moment. He is not thinking about the future in the least. Megumi has a good head on his shoulders and is aware that should anything go wrong, Tsugumi will suffer the most from pairing.

    Though they have declared their intentions to marry and pair, they are high school students! They are children! They have yet to experience the majority of their lives, and how they feel about each other in the future may change. That is only realistic. This isn't like marriage where they can divorce and be on their merry ways. Tsugumi will never be able to return to who he was before, he will forever be tied to Megumi. Now even if they remain together forever, if anything happens to either of them, including death, the other will suffer. The entire reason why suppressants exist is not only to prevent the rape of omegas, but to prevent them from pairing without consent, because it is irreversible! Tsugumi refuses to take suppressants, and the most obvious answer here would be to simply take the meds. But that is his character, and he's well written!

    The manga could definitely sweep all of this under the rug, but it doesn't, because it is realistic in the setting of the world. If anything, that is an indication of good writing.

    Emera January 17, 2024 9:36 am
    Some good points. Though stuff like the nape thing I thought was good writing. Yeah if the guy was a just a little less clueless then it would be better. Overall I think the good parts of the manga greatly outw... Blue watermelon

    I think the sex scenes were what kept me going they were really good. The parts where he was kissing on his neck and talking about the tightening was really the hottest scene for me.

    The cluelessness just knocked me out of the moment it kinda reminded me of Goku and Chichi

    Emera January 17, 2024 9:44 am
    To address Megumi's hesitation in biting Tsugumi's neck, I assume you are aware of what bonding typically does to an omega and alpha couple in omegaverse works? Once they become pairs, the uke will never be the... Zayne

    I feel you it's a big decision but the writer could have achieved the same effect in less chapters. I felt like I was reading the same scenario and between the seme, uke, dad and other fam there's no growth for the majority of the time.

    If the uke was slightly more aware I would have enjoyed it a lot more I think. The sex scenes were the only thing I was reading for I had to go and check how many chapters were left because I was about to drop it.

    He only mentions his fighting spirit, gets mad or doesn't understand oh and horny time. Refusing to take suppressants because he had fighting spirit ok fine but now that's not working and he's just running around waiting to get claimed by someone else....knowing he doesn't want it. I doubt the story will actually have someone else bite him but acting like the way this situation played out is realistic is a reach.

    Zayne January 18, 2024 6:22 pm
    I feel you it's a big decision but the writer could have achieved the same effect in less chapters. I felt like I was reading the same scenario and between the seme, uke, dad and other fam there's no growth for... Emera

    I definitely agree that it could be condensed. The plot of the story is only focused on their love though, so it makes sense for the author to describe their relationship in detail, especially when dealing with such a life-changing moment. I fear we would have no story if such a significant topic was brushed over, and they paired without any consideration of their futures.

    I agree!! Thankfully, the uke's character is developing as he learns from life experience (i.e., almost gets marked and raped) and especially the seme. He's become more considerate and aware, more scared and careful. As a character, he is definitely well-written even if his choices annoy us, and it's understandable to want to drop the manga because of his actions.

    I do stand by my statement that the way these two are navigating the topic of pairing is realistic. The uke not taking suppressants? That's an entirely different topic lol, he's a crazy character. Suppressants are clearly the best solution here. The couple actually thinking about pairing rather than jumping into it should not be a negative detail.

    Crystal_snow January 18, 2024 6:48 pm

    Tsugumi is clearly on the autism spectrum. He is a relatable character for many neurodivergent people. You calling him clueless & airhead doesn't sit right with me but whatever...

    Emera January 18, 2024 6:49 pm
    Tsugumi is clearly on the autism spectrum. He is a relatable character for many neurodivergent people. You calling him clueless & airhead doesn't sit right with me but whatever... Crystal_snow

    Please stop giving e diagnosis

    Crystal_snow January 19, 2024 8:28 pm
    Please stop giving e diagnosis Emera

    It's pretty obvious?? Wtf do you mean giving a diagnosis?? You don't have to be a genius to figure it out.

    Emera January 19, 2024 9:10 pm
    It's pretty obvious?? Wtf do you mean giving a diagnosis?? You don't have to be a genius to figure it out. Crystal_snow

    Except normal people can go through all these same things. Stop trying to validate your assumptions lol