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Exyz January 16, 2024 3:19 am

Dude, the first husband actually loving her makes me feel a little sad, I think I might drop this, I hate feeling this way (/TДT)/

    Rush January 16, 2024 3:24 am

    Dude he raped her and made her feel like shit—he doesn’t love her he just views her as a pretty doll he wants to keep. That’s obsession not love

    Dr-Erotica January 16, 2024 3:44 am

    don't his a hopeless trash, he loves her yes but his so indifferent and selfish, how could you call that love?? he just wants to say she's his to do whatever he please, he also went about that he wanted to have her even if she ends up broken, what kind of ass love is that? so don't be sad to that kind of punk, it was his undoing

    Geek Goddess January 16, 2024 4:03 am

    No, I know what you mean. See, she left (for obvious and traumatic reasons) this time before any of the past events in that family could happen to her, but it makes you wonder if this version actually felt something for her. He liked her ever since they were in school in this version and maybe he saw her as a conquest at first, but maybe the feelings grew into actual feelings. I don't know. And I feel like even though he teamed up with that bastard Uncle/Adopted Dad of Olivia, he only did it to use him to get Olivia back.

    Of course, I want her with Ian. Hands down. But we know how these types of stories go. When they come back and repeat the past, if they start changing the timeliness and certain events, then certain elements of the SL changes. For instance, she's married to Ian now and found out that he's not impotent. She finally met her father and learned a little about her mother. Anne is now living with her and going to school. And we got to see that Parnell knew of her during their school days and was obsessed (loved??) with her from a far. Also, he locked his mother up, And she never bore his children.

    And dont get me wrong, those little things Parnell did in this version doesnt excuse what he did to her and how she was treated in previous version. What I'm saying is all of these changes to the timeline could have very well changed elements to the SL. One of them could be that Parnell actually loves her, but didnt know how to express and show it. Just having her was enough for him, like she was a trophy. But I believe his time on the battlefield warped his feelings to the point that he doesn't understand that he needs to express and show affection and love. It's really too little too late for him.

    All in all, even though I want her with Ian and I want her to experience all the good things in life. It's just that, there's a little part of myself--very small by the way--that feels a tad bit sorry for Parnell. I still don't trust him, though. And I don't trust Mr. Emperor either with those snake eyes he has. Every time I see him, I ask myself under what deep, dark hole did he slither out of? I even half way expect him to have a forked tongue.

    SharkVice January 16, 2024 6:15 am
    No, I know what you mean. See, she left (for obvious and traumatic reasons) this time before any of the past events in that family could happen to her, but it makes you wonder if this version actually felt some... Geek Goddess

    I think the school thing happened in the original timeline. So far, based on the hints that the story has dropped here and there, this is how I remember things going:
    In the og timeline, he had a crush on her during their school years. So he asked the emperor to have her marry him in exchange for participating in the war. There starts her abusive married life under her mothers-in-law and with James' absence. There is no marriage ceremony since James is sent to war before even getting to see Olivia, so Olivia doesnt actually meet James (she doesn't remember him from school) until years after they get married. I am not sure when James eventually returns from the war. He seems to still be participating in the war by the time the last mother passes away. But I think Olivia gets to meet him before that. My guess is James eventually starts visiting the Parnell state for bedroom duties that lead to the two children they had. But by the time Olivia meets James, James' personality is trash. Furthermore he doesn't know what kind of life Olivia has endured since the mothers are already dead. It's unclear what happens exactly happens that led Olivia to wake up 20 years in the past. But it is hinted that James might've been the cause of it since he seems to also remember the previous timeline.

    This timeline, it starts with James already at war and Olivia already being screwed by the mothers-in-law. There was no redo of their school years since all the years prior to Olivia waking up at 20 years old are still the same. This time Olivia does ask James for help to gain authority over his mothers, but he doesn't consent cause he still didnt know how trash his moms were. So Olivia decides to get an annulment and get married to the duke. James is then upset for multiple reasons 1) he seems to have turned back time to fix things with Olivia but now she's with another man, 2) he realizes his moms suck, 3) the emperor who had p much let James marry Olivia as a reward for going to war betrayed his loyalty. And full of rage James becomes obsessed with owning Olivia even if it means she wont be happy.

    Geek Goddess January 16, 2024 8:18 am
    I think the school thing happened in the original timeline. So far, based on the hints that the story has dropped here and there, this is how I remember things going:In the og timeline, he had a crush on her du... SharkVice

    Ohhhh. Okay. Sighs. Thank you for clarifying all of that. I was getting things confused.

    And let me ask your opinion on this: If James turned back time, wanting to fix things, wouldn't that mean he has some type of love for Olivia? OR do you think it's more or less out of guilt? Should he give up and let her go seeing as how Ian is doing what he didn't and that's making her happy? Or should he, a guy who knows pretty much nothing but war, fight for her seeing as how he turned all this back to make it up to her in the first place? We've seen SLs like this, but if I'm not mistaken, it was the FLs who turn back time or is given another chance in life for their respective reasons to try and doing things right the second time.

    Oh! And I'm not talking about the revenge ones. I'm seeing these in my mind but can't think of their names. I think one is The Tyrant wants to Change or something???? Another one is the one where the FL goes back in time to treat her husband and son right but they don't trust her niceties. The latter, I haven't started reading yet, so I don't know all the details.

    Saphir January 16, 2024 1:03 pm
    Ohhhh. Okay. Sighs. Thank you for clarifying all of that. I was getting things confused. And let me ask your opinion on this: If James turned back time, wanting to fix things, wouldn't that mean he has some typ... Geek Goddess

    Nope he doesn't like her, if he does , he would fix the situation with his in law mistreated his wife when he turn back...she did send him a letter asking for help in some way but he blatantly didn't try to help her but more or less want to control her because for him what he does, is for her without a bit of communication...that guy is a no no

    SharkVice January 17, 2024 5:21 am
    Ohhhh. Okay. Sighs. Thank you for clarifying all of that. I was getting things confused. And let me ask your opinion on this: If James turned back time, wanting to fix things, wouldn't that mean he has some typ... Geek Goddess

    I have a very realistic view on love and I don't believe in love at first sight. I don't find that James loves Olivia. He had a strong crush on her. It's strange that he would go so far to get married to her in the original timeline despite never even talking to her. He still doesn't know what kind of person she is even after a 20 year marriage. He didn't make the effort to get to know her. I don't believe you can claim to love someone you don't know. That's just idealism and being in love with the idea of love. The Olivia that exists in his head isn't real and has never existed. It's a weird obsession

    I think he feels regret for forcing this marriage out of his own fantasy "love" and not getting a happy ending with her. He sacrificed a lot just to be able to marry her. Assuming it's true he turned back time like the story has hinted, he decided to again never really get to know Olivia. To him she is more of an object or commodity to possess rather than a person. If he truly loved and cared for her, he should've turned back time to help her lead a happy life even if that meant that wouldn't be with him. If he wants to get her back, personally I think he's wayyy too late, but he can try with sincerity. However, he doesn't want her back out of love or to live with her. He just wants an object back and even went as far as to look for Olivia's abusive father for help in cornering her. He's never asked what he could've done better. He's never reflected. He doesn't care about what she feels. He just want her to belong to him. That's not love. That's just a fucked up obsession.

    Idr the name right now, but there's a story where an apathetic emperor who didn't care for his wife and didn't acknowledge her presence properly, regrets her death and how he treated her. So he turns back time to give his wife (not himself) a second chance. He wanted her to live a better happier live. He wanted her to have everything she wanted including his affection. He didn't want her to die such a sad death again. He even hates himself for not being better and he does sincerely consider the possibility of her being happier without him. In that story, the emperor loves his wife.

    Dayaship? January 17, 2024 6:08 am
    I have a very realistic view on love and I don't believe in love at first sight. I don't find that James loves Olivia. He had a strong crush on her. It's strange that he would go so far to get married to her in... SharkVice

    Ok so really vauge SPOILERS

    From a post I read maybe about a year ago. The current timeline isn't the 2nd but rather the 3rd or 4th one?
    Apparently Olivia keeps being assassinated? in every timeline and James always turns back time to prevent her death along with fixing his marriage.

    I forgot the more in depth details but I remember the original poster saying that James "love" for Olivia is delusional and obsessed. The man is actually insane. He keeps turning back time and keeps making the same mistakes. My thing with James, I would sympathize with him especially with him wanting to prevent Olivia's death and save their marriage
    ...BUT he refuses to change. The whole reason he turns back time is for Olivia BUT HE DOESNT DO ANYTHING TO CHANGE THEIR MARRIAGE

    He just expects that finally one timeline they will be happy together. James is trash because he doesn't see that he is in fact the problem.
    That his lack of taking responsibility and changing his self and actions would finally be the right steps in building a relationship with Olivia.

    also I could be remembering wrong but I think he can only turn back time when Olivia dies and another reason he wants Olivia back is to protect her since she's always assassinated? in every timeline and believes that she's "safest" by his side

    Again I could be wrong with the details, correct me freely

    Dr-Erotica January 17, 2024 6:14 am
    Ok so really vauge SPOILERSFrom a post I read maybe about a year ago. The current timeline isn't the 2nd but rather the 3rd or 4th one?Apparently Olivia keeps being assassinated? in every timeline and James alw... Dayaship?

    but didn't olivia reached elderhood and I dunno what happened she became self aware after?

    Dayaship? January 17, 2024 3:22 pm
    but didn't olivia reached elderhood and I dunno what happened she became self aware after? Dr-Erotica

    Yeah, not sure how that happened. I read the post long ago and I don't remember if that was explained. Sorry

    SharkVice January 17, 2024 7:42 pm
    Ok so really vauge SPOILERSFrom a post I read maybe about a year ago. The current timeline isn't the 2nd but rather the 3rd or 4th one?Apparently Olivia keeps being assassinated? in every timeline and James alw... Dayaship?

    I don't trust 2nd hand spoilers but sounds interesting. Though that sounds really similar to a different webtoon where the girl is on her 4th (I think) life but only remembers the previous one. The ML keeps bringing her back in time cause she keeps dying. He initially thought it was his fault she was died and pushed her to marry other dudes in her other lives, but the result was always the same.

    Dayaship? January 18, 2024 5:46 am
    I don't trust 2nd hand spoilers but sounds interesting. Though that sounds really similar to a different webtoon where the girl is on her 4th (I think) life but only remembers the previous one. The ML keeps bri... SharkVice

    Understandable and ooooo? What's the name of this one?

    Saphir January 18, 2024 6:48 am
    Understandable and ooooo? What's the name of this one? Dayaship?

    The Broken Ring : This Marriage Will Fail Anyway

    Dr-Erotica January 18, 2024 7:00 am
    I don't trust 2nd hand spoilers but sounds interesting. Though that sounds really similar to a different webtoon where the girl is on her 4th (I think) life but only remembers the previous one. The ML keeps bri... SharkVice

    so what's the main cause? why does she keep dying?

    Hattiert February 5, 2024 2:26 am
    The Broken Ring : This Marriage Will Fail Anyway Saphir

    Spoilers on Broken Ring…..don’t read if you want to read this story.

    Ohhhh…..I’m reading this one. That fact hasn’t been revealed in the story yet, but I saw it in a spoiler. I didn’t know he was the one turning back time, but I read a spoiler that there were 4 timelines instead of the 3 we, and Inez, know about. The first one was actually with our ML?!? I love this and can’t wait to see how it plays out!

    Saphir February 5, 2024 8:12 am
    Spoilers on Broken Ring…..don’t read if you want to read this story. Ohhhh…..I’m reading this one. That fact hasn’t been revealed in the story yet, but I saw it in a spoiler. I didn’t know he was th... Hattiert

    Wow this is great news , that shows how our Ml loves her in a very deep way...thank you for this information I love it

    Hattiert February 5, 2024 7:39 pm
    Wow this is great news , that shows how our Ml loves her in a very deep way...thank you for this information I love it Saphir


    SharkVice February 5, 2024 8:39 pm
    The Broken Ring : This Marriage Will Fail Anyway Saphir

    That's actually not the webtoon I was describing. But I do read that one as well. The one I'm thinking of has a blond MC and a magic peach. The MC is the daughter of a noble family that has like 4 different daughters. Whenever a daughter is of age the family invites 3 or 4 potential suitors for the daughter during the summer and at the end the daughter has to choose which one of them to marry. Each timeline she chooses a different one. She doesn't remember choosing the ML (the one who has been turning back time)

    SharkVice February 5, 2024 8:53 pm
    That's actually not the webtoon I was describing. But I do read that one as well. The one I'm thinking of has a blond MC and a magic peach. The MC is the daughter of a noble family that has like 4 different dau... SharkVice

    The name is June Peach btw (I had to look it up lol)

    Geek Goddess February 5, 2024 9:03 pm
    I have a very realistic view on love and I don't believe in love at first sight. I don't find that James loves Olivia. He had a strong crush on her. It's strange that he would go so far to get married to her in... SharkVice

    I'm so sorry I'm responding so late! I love what you wrote btw. I reeeeally enjoy discussions like this and getting other perspectives on a storyline/character/etc.

    SO, going off what has happened, or what James is doing, would he be considered insane??) Since he's doing this over and over, expecting a different outcome.

    I think either you and I or someone talked about him putting out/locking his mother and her entourage. To me, that was a start, but it was a start of many that he didn't even do to make the situation better. He did it, but didn't really understand WHY they needed to be locked up or what they all put her through.

    Tbh......even if he did make things right, she's so far gone and removed from the marriage (and has so much trauma), that there's nothing in the world that he can do to really make things better. Not as far as her coming back to him. You're right. If he really did love her, he would have let her go to live a better life he can give her. I honestly hate that he doesn't understand that or see it. He's pitiful in a....pitifully insane kinda way.