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What's an action story you read on here that had a good "Call an ambulance, but not for me!" Moment?

00ac January 16, 2024 10:02 am

Or in other words, what's an action story on here that had a moment where you as the reader was CERTAIN that MC was going to get their shit rocked/their ass beat, and then they turned it around on the last second?
A lot of action manga I've been reading lately has MCs that are too cool/calm and collected, or even calculating so it doesn't feel like they'll ever be humbled/fail, so there's no surprise twist for me. Big plus would be if the MC was thought dead too!
You can also suggest manga with honorable mentions of side characters who pulled this as well. If the moment you're thinking of has a big boss fight or later in the chapters, feel free to spoil me anyways!; the more gagged you were while reading, the better!
