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I swear-

Marthemartin January 17, 2024 2:50 am

Don't get me wrong, this manga is good. But why on earth is Deku trying to help Shigaraki? He has literally become a demon and Deku is all like "your human". He needs to start acting like Bakugo, and kill em.

The tension is pretty decent imo though, but this has been going on too long.

(BTW AFO as a baby is so funny)

    ItzTinSeL January 19, 2024 5:14 am

    They are literally highschoolers genius and you clearly no nothing about Bakugo... Bakugo says "KILL" and "DIE" because that's his habitual catchphrase he doesn't actually want kill anyone (that doesn't mean he m can't but if the situation doesn't call for it he won't). Katsuki himself said that he hated being referred as unhero like and being compared to a Villain because he wants be as great as Almight just cooler.

    Deku simply sees Shigaraki as human being that was wrong by society so if there's a chance he can save WITHOUT killing him he's gonna take it. What's wrong with that?