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Help me find this please !!

yumi January 17, 2024 3:36 am

I don't know really anything about this manga. I saw a preview of it in an ad on Instagram (I think the ad was for mangaplaza but I'm not too sure) there was a woman and she was sitting across from her husband and and her coworker and she finds out that her husband had been cheating on her with the coworker. The husband explains that the coworker is pregnant. About 8 months pregnant at that. The woman is infertile so this is like super heartbreaking for her. The preview ended with her running to the bathroom and throwing up. That's all I really saw and also remember and I'm not sure if it's even on here. Idk if it's enough to go on but please help me find it or at least the name of it !! Thank you !!!
