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Can someone please shut the comments of again?

KoalaKommander January 17, 2024 7:43 am

I know it was kinda devastating not to communicate with other over your favorite pieces on this side and God's know I have many here... But.

But all this new shitstorming here and elsewhere just ruins every good read and day. Everyone hates some characters and everyone loves some. All in between is story. pictures and words and an ass full of fantasy.
No one cares about reality here. That's why were here (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

In my opinion... Please, just make the rooms still again. So you can just poison your own life and not bother others with your crab.

And all of you, who want to attack me, because I wrote these words. Please have your fun, but know that you are then one of these NEW POISONOUS HATERS WHO CAN'T LIVE WITH THEMSELVES AND MUST RUIN OHER PEOPLES MINDS PEACE.

Thank you for reading #-.-)
