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reigensimp January 18, 2024 5:31 am

Bro blue flag is such an amazing manga and I pray that one day it gets an anime. This type of manga getting an animation would be revolutionary imo. It has such amazing themes and it focuses on growing up and the pains you get in your youth, as well as the happy stuff too. It annoys me when ppl categorize it as a bl because that just tells me you missed the point. Yes touma is gay and yes him and taichi end up together far into the future but the story isn’t about that.. this story is about their youth. That’s the whole point. That’s why I sorta get the ppl who are upset at the ending not showing much but the story isn’t abt the future so. I love just how much it emphasizes things change and you won’t be the same person you were when you were a kid, because them two ending up together clearly showed touma retained his feelings for taichi, but taichi had to of changed quite a bit and realized things about himself to come to this conclusion.

Sorry this is turning into a yap fast but blue flag was such an amazing read.
Masumi’s character still breaks my heart because she had such heavy lesbian coding and she ended up with a man who was the same as Futuba, that’s also realistic in its own way. Not every queer person is able to confess to the people they love
