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Ignus in chapter 127 be like:

ThunderStorm88 January 18, 2024 9:49 pm


MC: *extreme confusion noises*

And haha you can't bait me into thinking she's gonna finally tell him, author. I've achieved enlightenment and no bait you throw is going to hook me MWAHAHAHAHA!

I've been following this story ever since I first stepped into reading manga and Manhwa comics, and it has a special place in my heart. I always check back on this to read the latest update and whatever's going on. Idk how far along to the reveal we are but I think we likely aren't too far off, considering how things happened in the novel. I wonder how many chapters there are left until the end? I hope it's not too soon after the reveal and all, I really like reading about the MC and other characters here
