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Fuck those herbivores and fuck robin

canonMT January 18, 2024 10:10 pm

on ch. 8 and feeling really angry right now That bitch ribin really just raped MC and pulled the "gtfo my house" card. Wtf is wrong with the motherfucker, honestly. And all that AFTER talking shit about MC for no reason just because MC was born a carnivore (like he could control that??)

And honestly the herbivores are racist as hell. I mean, yeah, sorry your family got killed but considering the low amount of carnivores, how many of them did THEY kill??? And then they dare to act like a victim and cry when they're clearly a majority. The herbivores are extremely close minded and doesn't seem to be willing to see the point of view of the carnivores. Bunch of bitch-ass fuckers. If I was a carnivore in this comic, idgaf, I'd eat everyone and get my stomach full.

I'm so tired of racist bullshit, man. Honestly didn't expect to see this much support for racism in a gay porn comic. fuck.
