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I don´t know...

LadyVoldy December 30, 2016 5:17 pm

Lucaon´s mother/father said brother on Ryan but he isn´t her/his brother right? Ryan told Kyon he knew a older generations of Lucaon´s family, he is friend. And why his mother mention blue eyes when Sihan has yellow eyes. Why she said it? :D
Poor Lucaon I had tears in my eyes after chapter 22. Poor his mother when she fought against her husband.

    lividangel December 30, 2016 11:41 pm

    "deep blue eyes" means the eyes give "sharp glare", not meaning the actual eye colour. It is a Korean metaphor,.... Some one just posted this so that explains what mom meant ! And it was mom who said ryan was her brother. Nobles live a very long time, so it makes sense and is probable in this world. And yes, how terrible and sad ch.22 is.