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Cardinal Richelieu

jedephant January 19, 2024 5:29 pm

Can somebody explain his deal? I wouldn't mind a bit of a spoiler too.

    CainFable January 20, 2024 11:12 pm

    I could be wrong but I think he thinks he's a prophet of some kind. He's experienced death and "seen the light" so he thinks he's on the righteous path. And bc of that he's trying to secure the Vatican to be more powerful than the empire by controlling the crown prince. And since he is securing a close relationship with the prince, that makes him a candidate to be the Pope. I could be missing a lot of things, and this might not even answer your question, but it's the best I got at the moment.

    Julyjewel January 21, 2024 7:54 am


    i heard his deal is a bit like the priest from the hunchback of nortre damn, i havent seen the movie myself but i saw a a spoiler saying he’s obsessed with Shuri and wants to possess her but would rather kill her than let her not be caged by him bc her very existence tempts him as a holy man or something. i hope that make’s sense

    CainFable January 21, 2024 9:22 pm
    SPOILER(ish)i heard his deal is a bit like the priest from the hunchback of nortre damn, i havent seen the movie myself but i saw a a spoiler saying he’s obsessed with Shuri and wants to possess her but would... Julyjewel

    Bruh... No fucking way. Gods, that's the reason why I never watched hunchback of Notre Dame.

    jedephant January 26, 2024 12:17 am
    SPOILER(ish)i heard his deal is a bit like the priest from the hunchback of nortre damn, i havent seen the movie myself but i saw a a spoiler saying he’s obsessed with Shuri and wants to possess her but would... Julyjewel

    Holy shucks, that's so twisted!