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Maybe they were going for a realistic, "honest, somewhat selfish, younger lady" so as to r...

Nikkidiary January 20, 2024 2:14 am

Maybe they were going for a realistic, "honest, somewhat selfish, younger lady" so as to reflect what those middle school kids might've been thinking, and I understand that there are many siblings in manga (younger and older) who act like this (I remember an older sister randomly kicking her brother on the hips so she could finally use the mirror (drop kick, I think...)) but it was a little tiring to read pages with the cousin on it. Especially the chapter that heavily featured her - I get her envy, and I get that she's finally being honest, and I understand that there are just people who throw around the word "I hate you" like it's something random, but to wish for her cousin to just continue being miserable is just lingering spite at that point. He was already miserable in middle school, and just when he's finally moving forward, she felt so upset and wanted him to stay in that muddy swamp longer, like her, who couldn't move forward. At least when she got it out of her chest she became more pleasant - attending his concert, listening a little better, not being one of those annoying people who just had to get in the way out of spite (she did seem to keep their relationship a secret from the rest of her family, after all... so it's up to Nari to reveal it or not) - I could imagine the truly hateful ones trying to really drag down others due to envy, than just hitting them with words - plus she seemed instrumental to their reunion at least.
