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Fangtasia January 20, 2024 2:24 am

My email was hacked so I went ahead and made a new one and I moved all my accounts while changing their passwords.
Now on to this site, the mail and password were changed on site but no confirmation or email in new or old mail. Will my account be fine or is something wrong with the site?

All others I changed sent a confirmation mail to the older email and another one to the new one when the transfer was done.

Any ideas? Anyone done that before?

    noyoudont January 20, 2024 2:51 am

    actually a genuine question, how do u know if ur hacked?

    Fangtasia January 20, 2024 4:10 am
    actually a genuine question, how do u know if ur hacked? noyoudont

    There are bot mails to the email address and Google gives me alerts on my phone that I'm online from a different country. Also when I went into the second mail option in case I'm locked out of this one, there's another email there that looks bot generated and not an actual email.