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Bruh (me trying to understand this story)

Anoness January 20, 2024 5:01 am

Both got abandonment issues. I guess teen Jinheon was already deep in loneliness and upon stumbling on baby Jueun, he developed this Hero Syndrome. Eventually this took a turn and traumatized him back when 'his' Jueun got adopted. It's like the higher you fly, the harder you fall. And obviously, even most of us dont remember our childhood, so Jueun wasnt completely at fault for forgetting about Jinheon. Then teen Jueun who's bullied also got fed this knight in shining armor trope, got a better life, and eventually imprinted on Jinheon, hence why he's also scared if Jinheon suddenly abandons him, leaving him alone, with nobody and nothing.
