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So far ..

Rojoboto January 20, 2024 7:57 am

Ah-in likes Joon but is a control freak and wants to break Joon so that he needs Ah-in.
Pyo likes Ah-in but also has weird history of why they are connected that we don't have the full story of yet but he probably does care/like/love Joon in a real sense than in his weird unrequited feelings for Ah-in.
Big bro has an obsession with Joon but not sure if crazy over protective or indecent love.

Either way poor Joon is just getting mind fucked continuously by people not telling the full story and Ah-in being a manipulative bastard

    im not creative for nicknames January 20, 2024 9:08 am

    Yea I keep hoping the brother is more like "he's the last family I have therefore MUST protect him" instead of the "I secretly love my brother" despite all the comments