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What if it's all in her imagination... I swear to God there can be many plot twists like W...

Oblivious Dris January 20, 2024 11:50 am

What if it's all in her imagination... I swear to God there can be many plot twists like
What if mom always gave the kids apple juice
what if it's the girl who mistakenly threw her brother down the lake and got too shocked during the process that made up a story of her mom killing the brother.
What if namsoo has died the same way. What if mom knows all about her daughter being a killer and acting indifferent cause she is her only family left.
What if she has no memory of hospital and consultant of her being a killer or they brainwashed her.
It could be a lot of things.

         January 31, 2024 2:56 am

    This is the most lazy sort of writing i think and i hope they dont pull that on us. I’ve been liking this one so far

    sir taylor May 17, 2024 2:40 pm
    This is the most lazy sort of writing i think and i hope they dont pull that on us. I’ve been liking this one so far     
