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I like this story. The Black haired guy had IQ but no remorse and villainous. The White ha...

Mari January 20, 2024 3:52 pm

I like this story. The Black haired guy had IQ but no remorse and villainous. The White haired guy had EQ but too selfless to realize his own true potential.

I think White haired guy existed for Black haired guy to realize his (Black haired guy) own weakness and his own humanity--his guilt from killing the kid when he was younger.

Black haired guy existed for the White haired guy to realize his (White haired guy) own power and true strength that he hold back due to his own inferiority--the inferiority that he needs to overcome and challenge to realize his own true power.

It might be frustrating to read for many ppl but for me I just found it quite refreshing. I am so bored at reading the same old too overpowered characters--it just make my brain rot out of boredom
