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i_alice January 21, 2024 8:26 pm

MYGHAAD! this story is the best!! Great art style, Great plot to the point that it got me hooked, The MC is cunning, I like the chemistry between the two MC! Just everything about this is top notch!!

Especially the relationship between the two MC is so refreshing HAHAHHAHA I don't know who the top or bottom is, but the two of work so well together that it doesn't need an over the top intimacy with each other . I also love the MC's personality, at first i thought he would be the strict but naive type BUT NOOO!! he became so cunning and fun to read, he's doesn't have the cookie cutter style i mostly see in this type of stories. Another thing with the ML(?), i was so happy he doesn't have the "Im a rich and untouchable character" trope hahahah, he has some real characteristics like him being scared of ghost and not just some cold block.

Really glad i found this gem, hoping for.more!!! And a again i freaking love LOVE ghe art stule!!
