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Translation clarifications if anyone was curious

celyn January 21, 2024 10:45 pm

In Chapter 8, what Li Li mean by the duck at the market was just a reference to how in a lot of Chinese markets, there’s a section where you can buy whole roasted ducks, but they’re usually hanging on a hook which is kinda gruesome lol but usually you buy it to make beijing duck dishes and it’s delicious!

In Chapter 10, the name saved for Dr. Zhi says “ 吱一声,” (zhi yi sheng) which is a homophone like “Doctor Zhi” (albeit having different tones) 吱一声 by itself means something like “let me know” as in “if you need help, let me know,” which is why Li Li’s friend didn’t know who was calling him, because 吱一声 is an ambiguous and discrete caller id name, and Li Li was smiling because it’s an inside joke because no one knows they’re dating!
