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Really hating on runan for having trauma ??

mi_Yuuki January 21, 2024 11:48 pm

Have you guys forget how old they are ? It's just the mc is mentally older than them, runan and the other trainees are still in their teens. Seeing someone you thought as a brother kill something precious to you and say those words.... that's a heck of a trauma.

If I were in runan's situation, I would not recover that that fast in the middle of a fight. I'm so proud of her, she managed to set up the barrier again even though her trauma was triggered. And props to our mc that understood runan and didn't invalidate what she's going through.

    CuddleQuill February 1, 2024 6:29 pm

    Although I was never in Runan’s position, something similar happened to my dad when he was a child. He lived on a small island off the west coast of Canada and had a pet dog that would follow him all over for his adventures/explorations. It was literally his best friend and he absolutely loved that dog. A couple years later, however, when his family had to move back to the mainland for work (I think he was 8 or 9 years old at the time), his father wouldn’t let him bring the dog. Instead of having another family take it in…

    The dog was literally shot and killed in front of my dad. He kind of lost some of his emotions from that trauma (aside from getting verbally and physically abused by his drunk father), although he’d never admit it outright.

    My mom had to go through a lot of emotional upset (mostly from herself because her own husband couldn’t really feel anything emotionally) for many years of their marriage until they got therapy. My mom was really screwed up by her father, too…especially from a well-loved dog incident as well.

    In essence, I can really empathize with Runan’s situation. And although I know the novel goes more in-depth about how she was able to find strength to fight back during these past few webtoon chapters, I still find it impressive that she was able to do it regardless.

    What I’m concerned about is meeting her tormentor again in the future. How will she handle it? Will she rely on Raon again? Will the webtoon be different from the novel again or be accurate? I have no idea (mainly because I haven’t read the novel, haha).