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Idk if it's just me

Ciacia January 22, 2024 3:18 pm

Idk if it's just me but the story is slowly making me lose my interest as it seem to have no end goal or anything but just mc going along with the plot, correct me if I'm wrong

I really do want to continue to read this, so maybe explain to me again or correct me please

    SwapHoly January 25, 2024 5:56 pm

    Well... I want to say to you that you are wrong but you are not that wrong
    I'm just following the flow of the story by enjoying the fights but Idk where it really goes
    For me, instead of getting bored, I find more and more clues about the beginning of the apparition of Towers and see the place that the different Gods take in this story

    Maybe you can drop the manhwa and come here again when you'll hear about it
    Or you can hard thinking about the plot and all the elements gave by the author
    Or you can just enjoying the fights

    Nizze January 28, 2024 5:30 pm

    Yeah... you're not exactly wrong... but sometimes this isn't to bad either? It feels more realistic than the savior complex mc's that are obsessed with saving the world. Let's be honest, most readers would be more busy staying alive, keeping loved ones alive and living a decent life until the end really came instead of doing everything to stop it... so while mc doesn't have a grand plan or great ambitions or is in a crusade to save the world... it kinda feels more relatable in some ways.