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Saayrinee January 23, 2024 1:00 pm

jk isn’t that bad if u see it objectively, he do have a shitty character I agree but he made it clear from the start that he is looking for a worker under his condition and dan agreed . he did save dan from the gang and he even paid his grandmother bills he wasn’t obligated to do so since he paid him pretty good from the start . yea he’s a red flag in love isn’t someone you would date but to compare him with other uk is exaggerating. he’s so full of himself with everyone not just dan , and he only asked one thing from dan is to look after him PHYSICALLY.
hard to accept but all i’m seeing here is dan hurting him self he does deserve better than smo who isn’t sharing he’s feeling even in the last chapter we see that jk doesn’t belive how dan could ever have feelings for him when he didn’t show the slightest interest in him PERSONALLY.

    Bitys January 23, 2024 1:04 pm

    Totally agree

    Xunia January 23, 2024 1:07 pm

    Let's be honest Dan was the one who got himself in this situation, jk didn't force himself on him , from the start he was honest with him and told him what's he needs to do. And kim Dan agreed ( jk spends so much money on Dan like sex isn't that expensive but he did so kim Dan should have shut he's upper hole and opened the lower one with no complaints)

    Saayrinee January 23, 2024 1:08 pm

    also jk made it clear that he doesn’t need gifts s and doesn’t want them he even looked upset with the fact that his manager sended the gifts to his home , but he still gave him an expensive gifts saying that he worked all nights where jk was sleeping to earn this gifts after jk clearly said “ i don’t need all this designer “ even I would feel uncomfortable if smo worked his ass off to get me smth and told me that he did . ofc he didn’t have to throw it and say hurtful stuff but that was his character since day 1 , what was Dan expecting ?

    Bitys January 23, 2024 3:51 pm

    Once again, on point. I do agree that there are better ways to express disappointment from jk part but still Dan knows jk has anger issues. Besides I just fell pity for Dan, how can he fall for someone like him.