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Rhasputin January 24, 2024 6:38 am

The longer this assholes behavior goes on, the fewer stars this comic deserves. Jaekyung is literally unbearable, abusive, and a complete piece of shit with 0 redeeming qualities. It's so bad at this point that I cannot imagine him going through character development strong enough that it ever redeems him as a chatacter whatsoever. I'm about to drop this comic.

    恋の予感 January 24, 2024 6:51 am

    I agree. It's getting extremely old and I never liked it... I know Jiwon was an ass in BJA but at least he had a valid and really good redemption arc. This guy is such a horrible person. What went wrong with this manhwa??

    LiE January 24, 2024 6:53 am
    I agree. It's getting extremely old and I never liked it... I know Jiwon was an ass in BJA but at least he had a valid and really good redemption arc. This guy is such a horrible person. What went wrong with th... 恋の予感

    Wait, was the redemption arc actually good? I dropped that comic years ago because I couldn’t take the ML’s shit any longer. Now I’m thinking I should pick it up since I’m already dealing with this shit.

    Rhasputin January 24, 2024 7:05 am
    Wait, was the redemption arc actually good? I dropped that comic years ago because I couldn’t take the ML’s shit any longer. Now I’m thinking I should pick it up since I’m already dealing with this shit... LiE

    The redemption in BJ Alex was actually good, and Alex's behavior didn't drag out anywhere near as bad as Jaekyung.

    Rhasputin January 24, 2024 7:06 am
    I agree. It's getting extremely old and I never liked it... I know Jiwon was an ass in BJA but at least he had a valid and really good redemption arc. This guy is such a horrible person. What went wrong with th... 恋の予感

    They needed to start showing signs of redemption WAY earlier. Now we all hate Jaekyung and would rather just see him replaced at this point, rather than hoping he changes his ways.

    LiE January 24, 2024 7:24 am
    The redemption in BJ Alex was actually good, and Alex's behavior didn't drag out anywhere near as bad as Jaekyung. Rhasputin

    Sweet- probably gonna get back into it then.

    jelizarose January 24, 2024 7:24 am

    Like giving fewer stars will do anything to this manhwa or the author lol, this is a pirate site and you are all illegal readers, you dropping this manhwa will even do good to the author.

    恋の予感 January 24, 2024 10:01 pm
    Wait, was the redemption arc actually good? I dropped that comic years ago because I couldn’t take the ML’s shit any longer. Now I’m thinking I should pick it up since I’m already dealing with this shit... LiE

    It actually is! Such a sweet ending. I'm really not usually for asshole characters but he has a really good redemption. I recommend!

    恋の予感 January 24, 2024 10:03 pm
    Like giving fewer stars will do anything to this manhwa or the author lol, this is a pirate site and you are all illegal readers, you dropping this manhwa will even do good to the author. jelizarose

    It's about the manhwa being terrible and glorifying abuse. The manhwa is no good anyway, why on earth would I spend money on that? It's just like a car crash- you can't help but look. You're acting like no one can have an opinion... You're literally on this site reading illegally too. You're no better

    LiE January 24, 2024 11:01 pm
    It actually is! Such a sweet ending. I'm really not usually for asshole characters but he has a really good redemption. I recommend! 恋の予感

    Thx a bunch ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    jelizarose January 25, 2024 4:23 am
    It's about the manhwa being terrible and glorifying abuse. The manhwa is no good anyway, why on earth would I spend money on that? It's just like a car crash- you can't help but look. You're acting like no one ... 恋の予感

    None of my words indicate that I am any better than any other people here, so

    jelizarose January 25, 2024 4:36 am
    It's about the manhwa being terrible and glorifying abuse. The manhwa is no good anyway, why on earth would I spend money on that? It's just like a car crash- you can't help but look. You're acting like no one ... 恋の予感

    Just because this manhwa is not up to your alley doesn't mean that it shouldn't be paid, you are aware that this is authors livelihood and they don't spend days just to please people for free, right?! I am here to give y'all a reality check, that's all. You all read it without paying and you dare bitching about the story because it is not fluff enough to make your heart flutter. Just don't read it and give all the less stars because the author surely won't lose anything because people decide hating her manhwa on a pirate site.

    恋の予感 January 25, 2024 7:01 am
    Just because this manhwa is not up to your alley doesn't mean that it shouldn't be paid, you are aware that this is authors livelihood and they don't spend days just to please people for free, right?! I am here... jelizarose

    As someone who has been in an abusive relationship, it's saddening to see OTHER people praising it. Your high-and-mighty attitude is really weird. I haven't even rated this, and I'm not saying she shouldn't be paid. It's just the job that she chose. If she doesn't get money from this manhwa, it's because it just sucks. The plotline is bad, the glorifying abuse is bad.
    I paid for this originally, and it absolutely doesn't deserve any more of my money. Go spend money on it if you're that concerned. You're LITERALLY here right now, reading this for free. Go support her! She's not going to lose anything from us complaining anonymously on an illegal site that you're bitching on right now too.
    It's literally the entire point of a review to share your opinion, and apparently a lot of people hate this manhwa. I LOVE a good dark storyline, but this is fucked. It's subtly supporting the idea that staying in an abusive relationship could be fine because "it gets better". If this manhwa was informative about abuse, that's one thing, but we all know how this story will end... You're the one asskissing an author that's writing about domestic-abuse-turned-true-love.

    恋の予感 January 25, 2024 7:01 am
    Thx a bunch ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ LiE

    Of course!! Have fun!!(⌒▽⌒)

    恋の予感 January 25, 2024 7:02 am
    Like giving fewer stars will do anything to this manhwa or the author lol, this is a pirate site and you are all illegal readers, you dropping this manhwa will even do good to the author. jelizarose

    It's so funny that you're saying this as someone who is literally reading shit illegally too