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Littleyon January 24, 2024 3:42 pm

Ok for the bitch ass emperor I got a lot of shit to say abt the ex husband but surprisingly enough the emperor got a lot of my attention rn. First of all how the FUCK do you make Ian be recognized as the brother of the crown and get upset when his wife that you gladly signed the papers for turns out to be of royal origins. My first thoughts on that is he wanted Olivia to be of “lowly origins” so that he didn’t have to worry about her being of high origins just so he didn’t have to worry about Ian having the power to control the crown (based on his wife’s family origins, because the wife’s family would support the husband). My second thought on this is that he is a coward, I say coward because as we know he’s going through a hissy fit because he is scared that Ian can take control of the crown but Ian has no plans (that we know of) to control the crown, but at the same time I’m confused as to why it’s an issue now, yes we know that Ian has no plans to, and yes we know the princess is the crown Prince but why is it an issue for Ian to take control over the crown because he is not a bastard and his origins are 100%.

    Littleyon January 24, 2024 3:45 pm

    Now to the part that really confuses me is that he is now putting pressure on Olivia and Ian for whatever fucking reason but now it makes him definitely look like a coward because the whole damn empire saw how he defended them and now the whole empire is seeing how he is switching over now that he found out she is if royal origins. Moral of the story is I never trusted that bitch ass bitch and he is a coward scared of god knows what. I could go on for hrs but my hands say no

    Ochako February 5, 2024 1:36 pm

    Like Stratis said, there is no cure to insecurity. He hid Ian as a child to make sure people would not take away his own right to throne bc of Ian. Years later, he has served his term as a king and almost about to begin succession. He felt guilty for drpriving Ian of what was his so he kept giving him other things.

    Now he has revealed that Ian is also a rightful heir to the throne. He acted benevolent out of guilt and let Ian fight for succession. But now his wife is of a high pedigree. That means Ian a legitimate full-blooded heir has a legitimate full-blooded noble wife of royal origins.

    Basically Ian, in the King's mind, has stepped up a notch. It has made his jealousy/insecurity rear its ugly head again. He is insecure of his bloodline. In his own mind Ian is better than him and it is not something he can change so he chose to supress Ian. Since Olivia is the reason Ian's chances have gotten better, he hates Olivia too. It honestly has nothing to do with either of them. The King, in his mind, has always been comparing himself to Ian and deciding that he is worse than Ian on his own simply bc Ian has a better bloodline than his. He is scared that people will choose to hand over the throne to Ian for he has a better bloodline not that Ian will choose to steal it. If that was the case, he would have killed Ian. And yes, he is a coward bc he never really chose to face his insecurities.