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Jaekyung is really a terrible person. He didn't have to be this harsh to poor Kim Dan. I g...

Jinholic January 24, 2024 5:31 pm

Jaekyung is really a terrible person. He didn't have to be this harsh to poor Kim Dan. I get why he's upset. Like Dan is supposed to be there focused solely on him and his physical condition, he after all hired him to be his doc and for his jinx. They're not lovers so he can reject it, if he wants to. Dan, because of his side job, had to compromise his health and mr. Jerk could notice the changes around him. Dan sneaking out affected the insomniac jerk as well. Plus this strange attraction towards Dan that he can't put a finger to adds on to the irritation of jerkface. Let's be honest, we can't expect a "thank you" from jerkyung because his character is still so flawed and it'll take time or I truly hope so, for him to have a character development. His reaction is pretty in line with his character of being an arsehole. I'm not validating his action and I really wish Dan would end up with someone better(if Jaekyung is the end game). But we have to even understand that Dan was also stepping a little out of line. Ik he just wants to buy a gift for someone he's thankful to and he doesn't deserve that treatment at all, i totally get it. I'm just trying to see both the sides. Honestly I hope jerkyung works really hard to make things right and earns Dan's love and respect slowly but gradually and not just by throwing tantrums or by coercion.
