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beautiful art but typical shoujo isekai bs lowers the quality

medeva January 27, 2024 12:21 am

First off, whoever is doing these scanlations is terrible. I usually wouldn’t insult something like that as I appreciate scanlators in any form but you can tell this group is half-assing it. Which only makes so much of this story so ineligible to read and understand.

What can be understood is just a hot mess of typical SI shlock. It’s so disappointing because the art and character designs look nice but you have some irritable plot choices and a FL that just annoys me personally. I cannot stand characters who are regarded as smart and intelligent but then are sorely lacking in social cues and smartness when it comes to romance.

It’s fine when it’s actually taken seriously but the narrative clearly takes it more comically like most of these shoujo isekai’s than run the same trope. I think by chapter 4 I was irritated by the fact that someone who supposedly works in customer service and is a pro at it wouldn’t be able to applicate that for her own life. I’m saying this as someone who WORKED in customer service before.

It was also annoying when it became so painfully obvious that her ass kissing to not die (I hate when authors do this it’s a cheap cut out from character progression) she inadvertently allows him to walk all over her and use her as a vessel to bully the others. I’m not saying the nobles don’t deserve it or that she could fight back on the emperor but someone as pragmatic as her would have had to have realize that a scenario like what happened in Chapter 4 was clearly the emperor fucking with her in order to antagonize his dinner guests.

That’s the whole thing, it’s so obvious the type of guy the emperor but she and the narrative insist that he’s just too hard to figure out until we see his p.o.v. Just sooooo

I kept reading and was so annoyed I thought it would get better but the comments here are telling me it doesn’t.


    Ur Gay February 6, 2024 2:59 pm

    Half of the speak bubbles were blank