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Crazy fox January 27, 2024 7:15 pm

I'ma say this again after rereading but Wow this story took another level of emotions... I don't know what to feel in every chapter... It felt suffocating and makes me want to cry seeing how scared and depressed they were and even overcoming an assault has never been easy so I'm happy that they managed to overcome it find a partner who will love and accept them no matter what. As the story progressed, even though taiga did those shits I feel bad for him and Rin having to go through that stuff. I can feel they're emotions in every panel and it's making my heart break. I really sucks when choosing a guy that's why I really like taiga here I love the character development he had, from being a douchebag to a loyal man I really loved the details of his faced when he's hurt that's why seeing that last panel was really funny like bro he came a long way. Overall it's good but it won't be good for others but as someone who went through to something similar, i appreciate how they portrayed the fear and effects of assault. Rin especially, he was portrayed strong but no one would thought he want through that that's the same things that's keep on happening in our society now. No matter what their age is, there will always be a victim of this scary world
