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Okay so

Destroyerofnonbelievers January 28, 2024 11:18 am

I read from the break up. Just to really see again where this all went to shit. I’ll have my little rant and pretend I never read this load of bull. I have to think did the author lose their minds toward the end? Did someone else take over? Why take it this way? My biggest gripe is he should’ve told her before deciding to marry her. From that basis on he became fraudulent and manipulative. Ajin was ready to marry this man clueless about the secret he was hiding and muddied intentions. She gave him the benefit of the doubt and he betrayed her. Her reaction was valid and understandable. That was her father and Seolmin was suppose to be the only man she could truly trust and rely on. He was ready to marry her but couldn’t wait or ask for forgiveness??? He ran away. Ajin did the work to find out the truth and even thought of his feelings in reaching out to the grandpa. He’s hiding out in the country side where even his grandpa can’t find and she’s a working women of course she didn’t find him. If he had reached out once after running away they would have been back together. Knowing she still loved him and she was anxious he rejected her coldly continuously without even giving a hint of possibility. Are you kidding me?? And the reasoning is what? I wanted to propose properly??? Why did you assume she would just accept a proposal after not being together for 2 yrs. This dude is a weirdo, manipulator, and dumbass cutely packaged. And Ajin I’m not go shit on her like everyone else which I think is hella strange, but girl have some self respect. You did nothing wrong but you’re devouring your pride for this man. He says he don’t want you STOP. Not only is it uncomfortable and cringe IN THE WORKPLACE, but also what is there to want at this point. Look at the way he’s treating you as if he didn’t keep a major secret from you and try to tie you down in a marriage in the mean time??? I’ve seen a lot of women in my life use their self respect as fire kindle in life and that’s Ajin right now. And after all he put her through her stupid ass go stand beside him HAHAHAHHAHHAHAHA UGHHHHHH what a waste of a really cute story. The directions they could’ve went and they picked the ABSOLUTE WORST. When everyone collectively hates the ending but can’t decide who to hate more you know the shit was ASS.
