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Tbh I was waiting to see how much strong is that girl with blue hair as she is in top but ...

aksuke January 28, 2024 9:22 pm

Tbh I was waiting to see how much strong is that girl with blue hair as she is in top but alas there was not much anyway I have a hard time remembering these namea lol

    Joybug February 1, 2024 6:22 am

    Yeah they didn't show much of her, but I know we will see here again. There are so many characters and different groups and it gets confusing at times. I have been reading it lately whenever it updates, but I might wait a bit for more chapters to be released and then read it. Because this last chapter brought up things from the past like who Kim Shin’s father was and their old mentor and I had to strain to remember who those people were because it's been so long.