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iamb January 29, 2024 12:14 am

Meil ' just cares about her siblings', and now has the wage to take care of all of them AND her debts are paid off but she stays working late at night, leaving her siblings alone so she can get a little attention from her crush? UGH.. Sorry, this is too boring and shallow. I'm out.

    CaiChiCat January 29, 2024 6:42 pm

    So siblings aren't allowed to have their own lived? Many siblings live whole countries away from each other and visit once every few years. She's allowed to have a personal life and that personal life she uses to hang out with her crush. Not only that but she's quite young and even if she was 40 so what? There's another older kid in the house and the younger siblings aren't babies nor todlers. This is such a bizarre take.

    iamb January 29, 2024 7:54 pm
    So siblings aren't allowed to have their own lived? Many siblings live whole countries away from each other and visit once every few years. She's allowed to have a personal life and that personal life she uses ... CaiChiCat

    Nope, I quoted the character.. she said " I only care about my siblings". And staying late every night, ruining her health until her nose bleeds to catch a glimpse of someone is not what I would call a 'life'. I would call it obsession. At the detriment of her life and her family's life. What would they do without her? She's not having a relationship for a well rounded life fyi, she's working herself to death.

    iamb January 29, 2024 7:56 pm
    So siblings aren't allowed to have their own lived? Many siblings live whole countries away from each other and visit once every few years. She's allowed to have a personal life and that personal life she uses ... CaiChiCat

    Also, she has 2 siblings who are not able to provide for themselves yet. She only recently was able to get them off the street debt free through the benevolence of the ML.

    CaiChiCat January 30, 2024 1:57 pm
    Nope, I quoted the character.. she said " I only care about my siblings". And staying late every night, ruining her health until her nose bleeds to catch a glimpse of someone is not what I would call a 'life'. ... iamb

    .........and so a person isn't supposed to fall in lobe? Tf you on? I'm sure your momma said the exact same thing "oh I only care about my oarents", "oh I only care about my siblings", "oh I only care about my job", "I only care about so-n-so" and yet here you are existing. You are braindead, that's what's happening. You collapsed at the keyboard and auto correct turned it into this stupid ass comment. Or you were never loved nor loved. Either way I feel pity for you.

    iamb January 30, 2024 5:56 pm
    .........and so a person isn't supposed to fall in lobe? Tf you on? I'm sure your momma said the exact same thing "oh I only care about my oarents", "oh I only care about my siblings", "oh I only care about my ... CaiChiCat

    Lol, I can only laugh at your vitriol. Sweetie, take a nap or eat a snickers, there's just no reason to get so angry and berate someone over a comment on comic.

    CaiChiCat January 30, 2024 7:30 pm
    Lol, I can only laugh at your vitriol. Sweetie, take a nap or eat a snickers, there's just no reason to get so angry and berate someone over a comment on comic. iamb

    Says the one that's started this whole thread with a huge ass, stupid ass, paragraph

    iamb January 31, 2024 2:40 am
    Says the one that's started this whole thread with a huge ass, stupid ass, paragraph CaiChiCat

    lol, you like the word ass, huh? lol, or it's just fun to use adult words when no one can call you on it. It wasn't a large paragraph, but might have been hard for you. It was an opinion about the writing and character development of the story. I found it lacking. Somehow you took it personal.. did you write this story? Let's just mute this sucker, it's just a place you use to rant evidently. I am positive if we were face to face you wouldn't be acting like this, or if you did, I would think you need to be medicated.

    CaiChiCat January 31, 2024 4:33 am
    lol, you like the word ass, huh? lol, or it's just fun to use adult words when no one can call you on it. It wasn't a large paragraph, but might have been hard for you. It was an opinion about the writing and ... iamb

    Actually I do like to use the word ass, along with fuck, Frick, fudge, sugar honey ice tea, shit, etc especially cause I can't say that during my job of 8-5 so I like to have my daily dose of cursing. And no you'd be the one not to want to aproach me or anywhere I live cause cursing offends you so much. And YOU were the one that got upset all because I said your take was bizare because to you, you can only care about one things and must be with the person you care about 24/7. I'm 1000% sure of she did exactly what you want her to be, with her siblings constantly outside of her job, only loving her siblings, her whole life being her siblings, etc etc, you'd call her a siscon/bricon and Yada Yada Yada. Your statement was honestly unhealthy and problematic to great extents but instead of saying that I was being nice and questioned you about your bizarre statement.

    iamb January 31, 2024 4:44 am

    haha, that's a big ass paragraph.. but I'm not going to read , sorry, I'm done with this waste of time. Kudo's for keeping the anger going tho.

    CaiChiCat January 31, 2024 1:12 pm
    haha, that's a big ass paragraph.. but I'm not going to read , sorry, I'm done with this waste of time. Kudo's for keeping the anger going tho. iamb

    And yet you said I have a problem with reading. Let's be real, you got all the time in the world

    whalien February 7, 2024 8:14 am

    Oh god the person replying to you I swear has no brain cells good lord

    whalien February 7, 2024 8:28 am
    And yet you said I have a problem with reading. Let's be real, you got all the time in the world CaiChiCat

    Literally everything you say makes me think you gotta either be a child or have a room temp IQ.

    FL is allowed to have a personal life and she should! But the fact that she is spending what free time she has working overtime not necessarily for money but to MAYBE get a glimpse of or briefly talk to her boss who she has a crush on? I mean she can do what she wants but that’s kinda pathetic. That’s not what I’d call a personal life. It’s hardly a life at all.

    As for the siblings aspect and her love life. Yes, FL is allowed to fall in love. It is very gracious of her to care for her siblings, and they dont necessarily need to be her whole life. But seriously, risking your literal physical well being to, again, just catch a GLIMPSE of someone is insane.

    If you’re seriously telling me that not wanting to put your physical wellbeing at risk just to, for the third time, catch a glimpse of someone who hardly knows you exist, means that the og commenter doesn’t know what love is, then you’re delusional and I have a hard time believing that you yourself knows what love is. And whatever idea you have of love is terribly, terribly twisted.

    You took what og commenter said and took it to the extreme. No one said anything about FL needing to stay home with her siblings all the time. Good god, you got heated for no reason

    CaiChiCat February 7, 2024 2:13 pm
    Literally everything you say makes me think you gotta either be a child or have a room temp IQ. FL is allowed to have a personal life and she should! But the fact that she is spending what free time she has wor... whalien

    "Ggod God you got heated for no reason" *last line of 4 paragraphs*

    whalien February 7, 2024 7:06 pm
    "Ggod God you got heated for no reason" *last line of 4 paragraphs* CaiChiCat

    Because you’re actually an asshole for literally no reason. You came at them when your opinion is actually shit. Plus, you may know how to read but seriously lack comprehension skills.

    whalien February 7, 2024 7:10 pm
    "Ggod God you got heated for no reason" *last line of 4 paragraphs* CaiChiCat

    And you’re really not one to bring up 4 paragraphs when you had the most brainless back and forth with this individual, and the only thing you could do was add ass after every word.

    Just because you yourself don’t have the intellect to form thoughts longer than a syllable doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t.

    Reio February 9, 2024 6:06 pm

    Yeah I get what u mean she could work overtime and all but mf mc was overworked she eleven had a nosebleed so either careles, stupid, clueless, or obsessed either one or all, still bad news