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The black bodytight dress that they keep wearing had me weak in the knees bro TT plus i li...

naokiryu January 29, 2024 7:50 am

The black bodytight dress that they keep wearing had me weak in the knees bro TT plus i like dudes with black hair having red/yellow eyes (my weakness XD)

Allon is such an asshole but i like him, lets see from his pov, shall we... he was dedicated and fiercely loyal to the old imperial family and going as far as staging a coup to reinstate the old fam, and that is the one and main purpose in his life.
Untill he ran into Nox, he doesn't even know what he felt for him was love and mistake it for sympathy (he said it himself) plus he also admits that he will throw him away after he is done using him, he also said that his plan never include two people and its only himself untill Nox happen to him

He felt things when he is with Nox and he can't explain it but lets remember his life purpose was to bring back the old imp fam to the throne so nothing and no one should hinder that plan, and also as an excuse to keep an eye on Nox family, he tagged Nox along in his plan, manipulating him in every aspect and even cursing him, because he DOES NOT trust him (cause Nox fam is shady af bro)

And remember Allon was prepared to throw Nox away from the very beginning so he justified the bullying and the manipulation, he knows he did wrong thats why he was prepared to let him go in the end.

While I'm not defending him, characters like him are so interesting to me, along with the events and circumstances that shape them.

And Nox my baby, he is too kind and soft for his own good and dont even get me started on Kray XD
