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im so baffled

kats January 29, 2024 8:47 am

FIRST COUPLE LEFT ME SPEECHLESS LIKE WDYM HE JUST HAD TO GET HIT BY A PANEL and not only that thr relationship between daegun and nicholas wasn’t even love but an obsession WHICH MAKES ME MAD LIKE DAWG AINT NO WAY IT’S AN OBSESSION IT CAN’T BE. Second couple was toxic asf but redemption arc I GUESS?? Whole entire time i was BEGGING for justice, it was eventually served? Third couple was OKAY, i just didn’t like the fact that jung QUITE LITERALLY RAISED BOKHAN and somehow it turned into love? like yeah they’re story was cute and sad but it just doesn’t sit right with me still..

yes these stories were good, will i be reading? maybe in like 3 months idk
