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You know i wish the og Siennas was somewhere alive in the body of a rat... with all his s...

Bazinga January 29, 2024 5:35 pm

You know i wish the og Siennas was somewhere alive in the body of a rat... with all his senses and memory intact, so he could witness Sion being the holy king in his body... he was evil af and got away easy.. his punishment should have been more severe.

    Ash_sen February 9, 2024 12:11 pm

    Why what did he do?

    Bazinga February 9, 2024 2:14 pm
    Why what did he do? Ash_sen

    Oh I'll give u a brief but you can read more detailed spoilers in the comments.

    He was nasty entitled prick thats why. He believed and acted mighty bcz he felt that he was the only person deserving to have the holy king position. He killed all people that had the stigmata and pasted on his own body thus gaining the title of zig zag king. If you go back to read initial chapters you'll see what I am talking about. He just killed people left and right and there is another spoiler in the comments that said that he was also the one responsible for getting his mother killed cz he snitched to his father.. there's just a ton of shit that he did and i just hate him so much

    Ash_sen February 10, 2024 12:18 am
    Oh I'll give u a brief but you can read more detailed spoilers in the comments. He was nasty entitled prick thats why. He believed and acted mighty bcz he felt that he was the only person deserving to have the ... Bazinga

    Ohhh yeppp that makes sense thanksss

    powsy February 10, 2024 3:05 am
    Oh I'll give u a brief but you can read more detailed spoilers in the comments. He was nasty entitled prick thats why. He believed and acted mighty bcz he felt that he was the only person deserving to have the ... Bazinga

    for real! Like there's something lackin from his punishment