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I do feel very bitter as MC is held back a lot by both her environment and the so called f...

Ciel January 29, 2024 11:01 pm

I do feel very bitter as MC is held back a lot by both her environment and the so called friends surrounding her.
At just the age of thirteen she is already one of the strongest ppl in her world n has the potential to become thee strongest as she gets older.
A mere child is already such a disastrous genius
All that her ppl are concerned about is how to feminise her more, keep her locked down and away from her passion. It feels incredibly suffocating and I’m pretty sure she must feel the same way. The misogyny n shallowness of it all irks me.
I just wish she would finally snap n choose her own path, one that forever leaves her engraving on society and history.
All her insane past accomplishments are allocated to the real Rufus, now she isn’t even allowed to show her powers n has to mimic a helpless noble lady… it is such a borish life for someone of her prowess.
Why can’t the whole world know that the greatest is a woman? Cuz she could very well accomplish that and by doing so also opening many doors for all the other women in this suffocating patriarchy.
Given the plot still has a long way to go, that is what I wish to see in its future hopefully author won’t waste away her char. Looking at it all without rainbow lenses, so far all the men in her life want to use her for their own benefit whilst also hiding her away from society.
Misogyny is still very prevalent in this manga, so the male characters especially the love interest aren’t ideal at all. I just cannot root for the prince I wish their relationship would turn into a one sided love from him but that won’t happen given it’s pretty obvious he is the ML.
That nist knight by his side or however u spell his name is another annoying bigot who doesn’t deserve the princess at all. Actually I hope the princess ends up with Rufus
However MC is still a genius girlboss that cannot be held back, so I hope she will change her goals to further spread her wings. She’s isn’t suited to merely teach brats.
Not only her looks, but MC is also bisexual. She is literally head over heels for noir n I always squeal at her manic love bursts lol. Too bad she’s a bit late, they would’ve been the greatest CP

    MangaThinker February 26, 2024 8:28 am

    Totally I agree with your opinion.

    That story doesn't allow this powerful heroine to be fully independent nor emancipated.

    She is constantly being used by others and I think there is a lack of agency about her.

    I know about this title for some years and I've been waiting for an English translation until now.
    Have to say that I had too much expectations about this series.