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Translator here!

Nishii January 30, 2024 9:19 am

I kindly remind everyone, I'm a soon to be college student so I'll be busy preparing for my entrance exams and my cleaner Hajun aka who's also my BF, will also be busy due to his university.

So please understand that we won't be able to give fast updates, but we'll still try to upload and do good Translations as much as possible! Also a word from my cleaner:

"If you want to translate this cause you think the tl is taking too long, apply for us so we can have faster work. No need to upload over cus we don't our teams efforts be wasted. "

    Anonymous February 1, 2024 6:45 pm

    Take your time and you guys are doing a great job!! Thank you for taking the time to translate this.