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It's good but seriously don't deserve low rating

RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ January 30, 2024 6:11 pm

Seme is pretty much asshole I mean i also hate him i know in the beginning he only plan to use or dispose uke after accomplishing his plan by making pure bloodline girl emperor he didn't realise how badly he treated uke till uke's brother told him everything of his uke's past furthermore there was lot political stuff that didn't makes sense at the end how that white hair house disappear without putting any fight it would have dragged longer if they fought together than leaving their son behind may be at the end author lost interest and couldn't keep up political, characters feelings and pace of story all together so she ended in abruptly even though uke is sometimes useless but not as much as others people made it dude was cursed by seme it was his ancestors made magic struggling but still made fun out of it its not like i didn't enjoy but there was no efforts by the side of seme even if we see when uke decided to call off marriage after accomplishing mission seme agreed greatly he was not sure about his own feelings towards uke it was can angst but not much it was alright read art is good too
