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I feel really bad for the kinfolk. The kinfolk are the people who lived near the world tre... January 30, 2024 11:15 pm

I feel really bad for the kinfolk. The kinfolk are the people who lived near the world tree. The world tree produced some kind of magic, so whoever lived near it would get magical powers or whatever. One day, the world tree suddenly died. The kinfolk tried whatever they could to revive it, but they couldn’t. Then, the king got pissed thinking that the kinfolk pretended the world tree was dead so they could keep the magic for themselves. So he waged a war against them. The weapons the empire used have this really disgusting quality about them, that whatever the weapon touched it would get stuck inside that unfortunate person. Anyways, I just feel really bad for the kinfolk. Like, if the king wanted the magic that bad, he should have just abandoned his kingdom and lived with the kinfolk.
