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Well looks like the female lead didn't have a hard life as much as she thought huh. People...

TaetaeCollarbone January 31, 2024 4:25 pm

Well looks like the female lead didn't have a hard life as much as she thought huh.
People were protecting and shielding her all the time.
I feel bad for her sisters who got the bad side of her dad since her dad only loved Melody cuz he loved her mother.
How unfair for the other kids.
Melody also has a loving maternal family. The male lead loves her too.
Just living on easy mode but thinks she is suffering.

    asmiir_ April 10, 2024 7:35 am

    this this this!!

    All the other kids got lite love while she was showered with any and all possibilities..

    Her dad didn’t even try to marry her off like the other daughters :(

    And all those helpers and assistants who stuck out for her too