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People on comsec are shit af

Zoro's Wife is Gæ February 1, 2024 4:19 am

Here we go again on Victim blaming blah blah blah.
People at the comment section are mentally ill. Imagine saying that uke deserves what happened to him, saying he's a bastard, saying he enjoys it. Duh

    Zoro's Wife is Gæ February 1, 2024 4:48 am

    Oh fuck it. Did yall just read it without understanding it? Yeah, right Shougo was right that he shouldn't have met with his ex, but for Mitsuru meeting with ex is part of his moving on and healing process. He wanted a damn closure. He wanted to leave everything behind to start a new healthy relationship with Shougo.
    However, Mitsuru didn't expect that kind of event.

    So, I know some of yall are mentally ill for blaming the uke, but I know you're not idiots to think it wasn't rape. It's obviously a rape with domestic abuse. Saying he likes it? Can't you see how he admitted that he's weak and can't fight back? Everytime he's fighting back his goddamn ex would burned him with his cigarette lol

    The uke is obviously physically, emotionally and mentally abused. Yet yall still blame him? Some people at comsec are disgusting just like Mitsuru's ex

    Anyway, his ex becaming an uke is kinda satisfying know how it hurts when he do Mitsuru.

    433 February 17, 2024 6:50 pm
    Oh fuck it. Did yall just read it without understanding it? Yeah, right Shougo was right that he shouldn't have met with his ex, but for Mitsuru meeting with ex is part of his moving on and healing process. He ... Zoro's Wife is Gæ

    the ex became an uke???

    Queen Nakyum February 17, 2024 7:22 pm
    the ex became an uke??? 433

    Oops, thats a spoiler. But, yes he did become an uke

    433 February 17, 2024 7:34 pm
    Oops, thats a spoiler. But, yes he did become an uke Queen Nakyum

    holy moly

    433 February 17, 2024 7:34 pm
    Oops, thats a spoiler. But, yes he did become an uke Queen Nakyum

    where can i read..

    Queen Nakyum February 17, 2024 8:04 pm
    where can i read.. 433

    Not that I know if there's a separate manga for it. But, at the last panel on extra chapter. You can see that he's sleeping with someone and he says "you can do all you want" something like thay, seems like the strager is a SEME

    433 February 17, 2024 9:52 pm
    Not that I know if there's a separate manga for it. But, at the last panel on extra chapter. You can see that he's sleeping with someone and he says "you can do all you want" something like thay, seems like the... Queen Nakyum

    oh i finished it already but i didnt caught that he had became an uke loll

    randomm February 25, 2024 3:08 pm
    Not that I know if there's a separate manga for it. But, at the last panel on extra chapter. You can see that he's sleeping with someone and he says "you can do all you want" something like thay, seems like the... Queen Nakyum

    bro, i just learned this WHAT, that changes my whole sympathy for the guy, i even posted a whole ass rant abt it... how dare he have someone after all that sympathy i had when i thought he was alone and everything?!! this changes my whole perspective, and I WAS SO SAD ABT IT AND U'RE TELLING ME THIS but im not even happy with this information im just angry all those conflicting emotions of feeling bad and thinking he deserved it UGHHH all down the drain