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.....Might be a spoiler... You chose...

Hoshizora February 1, 2024 12:52 pm

Sensei got his prioties straight (like what to write as an author) and its kinda funny how his mood or personality change when it comes to things that interest him.

Though, the part where he met 'Sacchan' again was kinda surprising. And then when 'Sacchan' said that she cant be his suicide partner anymore because of the light in his eyes, and him going depressed, was kinda hilarious.hehehe.

And then the part where he ran out of sleeping pills. And the new coffin.

The fallen angels and the others characters stories are kinda interesting in their own ways, because theyd make yourself wondering of their characters and how they end up like that in the first place.

The lust though.... She might have been abused by some mens in her previous world or worse, rape. And the pope might be the main villain of the story...

    sasa February 9, 2024 12:35 am

    hm..., idk. the manga seems pretty lenient towards mass murder, mind control and slavery.

    Sensei treats everyone like characters for the most part - if they give him enough inspiration for a story, all is forgiven. The only one truly punished is the cannibal rich kid.