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I dont get people who start hating the story just because its been focusing on them in gam...

JustAnotherWeeb February 1, 2024 8:19 pm

I dont get people who start hating the story just because its been focusing on them in game instead of in rl. This actually became one of my fav mangas because of it, i just love their in-game interactions and everything

    Kuru-Chan February 2, 2024 7:19 am

    No one is rlly "hating" on that, just that for some ppl they're not interested in what you're interested in and that's ok. There's nothing wrong with this story, I just personally hate slow burn no matter what lol, I'm too impatient for that stuff

    i hate harems February 3, 2024 9:24 am

    fr! personally i like slow burn soo

    vvvkkkvvv February 3, 2024 3:54 pm

    I think it's just that people nowdays pursue instant gratification as it is the norm and slowburns like this one is driving their dopamine thirsty brain crazy. But us, enjoyers of the slowburns know that once the story takes enough time to develop it will end up hitting you in the right places with the power of a nuclear bomb.