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I'm SO happy that horrible, murderous couple died. I honestly got more satisfaction from t...

SPOILER ALERT, OK? January 4, 2017 7:27 am

I'm SO happy that horrible, murderous couple died. I honestly got more satisfaction from their deaths than from the yaoi scenes. ^_^ I really don't get why everyone's so sad about those creeps dying? They had personal agendas causing them to harm the protagonists. They were exactly like that hateful lady in that sense. Why the foolish pity for them and not for that monstrous lady, then? It's only because they were a hot gay couple, isn't it? That makes you guys love them in spite of their awful nature and the fact that they harmed the protagonists, huh. I for one hate them even more than that foolish lady. *sigh* To each their own, I suppose...

    Anonymous January 28, 2017 7:02 pm

    Right, n they killed of that chief dude. I liked that little guy :'( He was cute n nice/smart. I hated them so so much