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Here’s how it’ll go in real life

Tsunmimi February 2, 2024 9:27 am

Oh you don’t like the guy I work with say no more, he tells him to bug off and gets another person, preferably less sneaky and scrawny looking ass, cause this mf is annoying me tf out. This may sound mean but boundaries are there for a reason, you got rained on ooo sorry, I’ll call a cab for you so go home and shower and change, get an umbrella if you want to come back but work can wait until tomorrow or something, why would I be nice enough to give you my soap and my clothes, like heck No. Call me mean but my relationship isn’t gonna be in jeopardy cause of situations can be avoided even though I’d risk getting called cold or wicked, especially if I know my partner is an acute overthinking-leap frogging-individual, it does damage.
