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oh no how can it end right there , whats going to happen about the picture that was taking...

fenni December 24, 2011 12:37 am

oh no how can it end right there , whats going to happen about the picture that was taking , is sushi going to use it for blackmail against yama to get him to back off and let him get close to akira insteed. plus whats up with the bearded teacher , is he in love with sushi? and thats why he doesnt want sushi to get involved with akira. please we need to know. xxx

    seiren August 27, 2017 2:32 am

    I didn't read the raws so it's not a spoil you just didn't understand well. Actually that aoyama fella is trying to get close to the rich souchi with a powerful background just to help his uncle akira who is that bearded teacher . So i'm sure he's gonna blackmail souchi to make sure his uncle doesn't get fired .

    seiren August 27, 2017 2:35 am

    Oh i just checked and ur comment was posted 6 years ago ! Sorry if ur not intrested anymore for sure you can't even remember what the manga is about! Sorry.