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Miranex February 2, 2024 11:47 pm

I just remember a few things. Mainly that the protagonist of the manga was reincarnated as the villainess and she tried her best to survive. Later the male protagonist of this game or story, can't remember honestly, was a reincarnation as well who knew about the ending and all because his sister used to play that game. I think. Then the protagonist of this world is also a reincarnation. But of a little boy. And he is kind of a pervert. That's all I can remember. Pls help me find it.

    Lemon February 3, 2024 12:17 am

    ah this is annoying me because i know what manga you are talking about but cant find the name. Isnt the original protagonist in the game actually a boy who is in a girls body. The original protagonist is in love with the mc

    haze February 3, 2024 12:36 am

    Help I don't know anything but now I am invested. I wanna know too

    Miranex February 4, 2024 11:40 pm
    ah this is annoying me because i know what manga you are talking about but cant find the name. Isnt the original protagonist in the game actually a boy who is in a girls body. The original protagonist is in lov... Lemon

    Not sure rlly. What I wrote in that question is all I remember. If you remember the name I would literally adore you. But I'm glad someone knows about it lol and my brain didn't just come up with it