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Japanese in manhwa

Endless_Suffer February 3, 2024 3:19 am

I know that Koreans have grudges against Japanese, which is reasonable, but it has become frustrating how they potrayed that hatred, making every Japanese in existence the worst human being possible. There are many innocent Koreans who suffered through the war. However, it's a war; of course, there will be suffering, and innocent Japanese suffered too. Moreover, Koreans weren't saints during the war either; they killed thounds of innocent people too.
I'm not telling the Koreans to forgive all the war crimes that the Japanese committed. People need to remember so that the same thing (war) won't happen again. But to actively provoke hostility like that will only push the already unstable political situation in both countries astray. In war, the only ones who will suffer are us, the ordinary citizens.

    kijoo February 4, 2024 8:55 pm
    "unrelated" it's related to the fact that most of yall keep undermining what japan did and keep dictating how the victims should feel. It's not unrelated, you're just proving my point that yall know absolutely ... kijoo

    The entire reason yall mfers are goinf this hard for japan IS BECAUSE of yall constantly underestimating their atrocities that u think the way they're painted as a rival nation is injustice when it's not even that and most of the time the way they're painted is also the same way other countries in manhwas are painted, yall just get defensive about japan bc yall know their guilty but yall always in constant denial. That's why i said that if u knew better, you'd stop trying to literally dictate what the victims should or should not do and start minding your own business. Yall making it too painfully obvious that yall werent ever victimized by colonizers.

    kijoo February 4, 2024 8:58 pm
    "unrelated" it's related to the fact that most of yall keep undermining what japan did and keep dictating how the victims should feel. It's not unrelated, you're just proving my point that yall know absolutely ... kijoo

    Like mfer, you literally went on here and tried to normalize jpn's atrocities just bc "oh no it's a war" like btch it's not normal to target and terrorize civilians in a war, also colonization is well known as a bad thing/event in history. Imagine going on here trying to defend japan with "oh but it was war it's normal" again, there are rules to war.

    kijoo February 4, 2024 8:58 pm
    Like mfer, you literally went on here and tried to normalize jpn's atrocities just bc "oh no it's a war" like btch it's not normal to target and terrorize civilians in a war, also colonization is well known as ... kijoo

    Again, masyado mong pinapahalata na dugong colonizer ka din. Ew.

    kijoo February 4, 2024 9:02 pm
    "unrelated" it's related to the fact that most of yall keep undermining what japan did and keep dictating how the victims should feel. It's not unrelated, you're just proving my point that yall know absolutely ... kijoo

    And again, if u knew better you'd have understood not to speak on how victims view their oppressors especially people who still refuse to apologize. Sana kasi tumahimik ka nalang, para ka namang bobo eh. It wouldve been fine had u stopped at "i know korea has a grudge against japan" instead of going on a tirade trying to justify their atrocities with "oh it's just war" mfer so out of touch with reality. Do not ever speak on how the victims of colonization should feel bc it has very permanent and long lasting damages. Until now my country has still yet to recover and im not about to tolerate some mfer who came on here trying to be japan's knight and try to defend their historic fck ups with "oh but it's war"

    kijoo February 4, 2024 9:16 pm
    "unrelated" it's related to the fact that most of yall keep undermining what japan did and keep dictating how the victims should feel. It's not unrelated, you're just proving my point that yall know absolutely ... kijoo

    Anyways, good luck being an ignorant pos who's never opened a history book. Imagine just boiling jpn's atrocities down to "oh but it was war" bc you wanna dckride them so bad. Japan is not, was not, and will never be the victims and no amount of rebrand theyve done will change the fact that they still have not apologized. And no amount of ignorant fcks like u will ever erase the gravity of their crimes. Imagine trying to diminish the suffering of entire nations under japan's rule with "oh but it was war" just bc they're sometimes portrayed as rival nations in a fckass manhwa