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It ticks me off that the agreement was to date 100 but he has the gal, the audacity, the n...

Jellybeanz918 February 3, 2024 7:35 am

It ticks me off that the agreement was to date 100 but he has the gal, the audacity, the never to date 82 more women and still says you love him ?? LMAO I WOULD JUST LEAVE THAT ASS AND GO TO OTHER GUYS CUZ THATS JUST CRINGE AND FCKED UP OR AT LEAST BREAK HIS HEART IDC

    Midnight February 8, 2024 3:44 pm

    I agree. Bliss pisses me off. He dated 100 women as an agreement then after that agreement, he stopped what he was doing so he could date the Uke. So annoying.

    blueninja89 March 8, 2024 9:39 pm

    I just don’t get it. He’s such a garbage person. Who in their right mind would make Bliss a love interest and justify his behavior as romantic. It’s actual insanity.